Anyone who has seen the power of the rush of water of the Tidal Bore rushing up the Peticodiac can understand the awesome power that is in constant motion in the Bay of Fundy. The concepts of using the incredible volumes of moving water to generate electricity by turning giant submersed turbines is not new but the technology and drive to harness the tides is getting closer to becoming a reality as a company called Cape Sharp Tidal was scheduled to install this weekend the first of two five-story high, two-megawatt turbines in the Minas Passage.
Some community members have opposed the project, calling for better government oversight and science. Bay of Fundy Inshore Fishermen’s Association worries the turbines will harm fish and whales and say the promise of more consultation doesn’t go far enough.He said the association has asked the company to halt installation, remove equipment, and undertake a new ecology study with oversight from the federal Department of Fisheries and Oceans, along with input from industry, community and First Nations representatives. So the project is on hold again for now.
Traditional Mi’kmaq folklore states that the tides in the Bay of Fundy are caused by a giant whale splashing in the water. Oceanographers attribute it to tidal resonance resulting from a coincidence of timing: the time it takes a large wave to go from the mouth of the bay to the inner shore and back is practically the same as the time from one high tide to the next. During the 12.4-hour tidal period, 115 billion tonnes of water flow in and out of the bay. The tides in the Bay of Fundy are semi diurnal. Semi diurnal tides are tides that have two highs and two lows each day.
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Tesla Turbines Turning The Tides
Huge turbines held on large submersed structures may soon be plopped in the waters of the Bay of Fundy to hopefully capture the tidal flow to create electricity…they may also be smashed to bits like toys during a storm…time will tell which way the tide falls!
The height that the water rises and falls to each day during these tides are approximately equal. There are approximately six hours and thirteen minutes between each high and low tide. In 2009, OpenHydro — the Irish company which installed the world’s first 1-megawatt tidal turbine in the Bay of Fundy — and its partner Nova Scotia Power deployed a 10-tonne turbine on the floor of the Minas Passage in the Bay of Fundy.
20 days later, all 12 turbine rotor blades were destroyed by tidal flows that were two and a half times stronger than for what the turbine was designed. Oops! Guess the Earth’s tides don’t behave like the chlorinated water in the test tank at the lab boys and girls! The tides are immense and have tonnes of force on a regular schedule but storms and climate change and dramatic events could turn submerged mega-projects into bathtub toys that destroy the environment if nature’s fury is ever unleashed.
Maybe best to not be so hungry for power and let the waters rise and fall without humans needing to harness and control every natural wonder in the universe!
Just as spectacular is the rapid and dramatic change in the river itself. At low tide the muddy river bottom is often visible, but within an hour of the arrival of the Tidal Bore, the water level rises some 7.5 m (25 ft.), filling the river to its banks. Near full moons the tides are exceptionally strong which create very robust tidal bores that are amazing to witness and now surfers are enjoying riding the wave as it pushes up the Peticodiac River.
Visit the local Visitor Information Centre located beside Bore Park in downtown Moncton for Tidal Bore arrival times. Other great viewing spots are on the boardwalk outside the Chocolate River Factory in Riverview or from the Gunningsville Bridge Bike and Walking Trail. Please note that the schedule is an approximate time of arrival. Depending on many natural factors, it can vary 15 to 20 minutes before or after the scheduled time.
The Riverside Park along the Peticodiac in Riverview is a great place to watch the Tidal Bore. This picture on a hot day shows the white caps along the front edge of the bore. It makes quite a noise as it rushes over the stones and mud on the banks.
March 12, 2025
March 13, 2025
10:20 AM & 10:41 PM
Tidal Bore In The Next Five Days
March 14, 2025
10:59 AM & 11:16 PM
March 15, 2025
11:34 AM & 11:50 PM
March 16, 2025
12:08 PM &
March 17, 2025
12:23 AM & 12:42 PM
March 18, 2025
12:56 AM & 1:17 PM
Map of Viewing Spots For The Tidal Bore
There are some great viewing spots to catch a view of the tidal bore along the Peticodiac River as it comes in from the Bay of Fundy on the high tides. Probably the best known viewing spot is in Moncton where an outdoor seating grandstand has been built along the boardwalk trail that runs along the river.
During the summer this is a great spot for photos and making videos of the tidal bore as it turns the bend as it passes Dieppe and heads towards the Moncton Information Center right beside the viewing area. Riverview, on the other side of the Peticodiac river from Moncton, also has fantastic viewing spots.
The Riverfront Trail system runs along the river and the area between the Gunningsville Bridge and the Causeway is an ideal spot for a long viewing experience. The surging tidal wave first passes under the Gunningsville Bridge, hitting the cement pillars that support the structure with a big splash, and then rushes up past the Chocolate River Factory on the banks of the river where a large boardwalk viewing area with interpretive panels has been built. The tourist info center is also at the Chocolate River Factory so it's a perfect stop to park and watch the bore. Lots of parking here and the trail is awesome!
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